DESMA 9 Week 8 Blog

Since the digital revolution began in the latter half of the 20th century with the uptick of computing and communication technology, there has been a drive to make things faster, more efficient and smaller. Scientists have now reached a new frontier, using materials on the nano-scale for technological, medical as well as artistic applications. "Digital Revolution" It was interesting to hear the history of nanotechnology from the perspective of Dr. Gimzewski, a leader in the field and a presenter at the previous event I attended: Ecocentric Art + Science Symposium: Prophesies & Predictions. He discussed the impact of Richard Feynman's daring hypothesis that there is plenty of opportunity to manipulate things on the atomic level, the discovery of carbon allotropes by Smalley et al., the invention of the scanning tunneling microscope by Gerd and Heini, self assembling DNA structure...